Healing After
Narcissistic Abuse
Being abused by a narcissist crushes your self-confidence and leaves you scared you can’t make it on your own. I’m here to help you return to your strong, amazing self.
When you’ve been living with an abusive narcissist, it often leaves you confused and feeling that you’re the “crazy” one that actually caused all of the problems in your relationship. When you’re finally free of the narcissist, it can be hard to get over the years of gaslighting to reconstruct your sense of self to move forward with clarity and confidence.
I’ve worked with many people just like you and can help you understand the cycle of narcissistic abuse so in the future you can better spot red flags and set healthy boundaries.
What is Narcissism?
Narcissism is a lack of empathy, difficulty noticing others as different or separate from oneself, a need for admiration, belief in self-superiority, and entitlement. The narcissist is preoccupied with their image, power, and status.
They use relationships as a means of improving their status in the community, appearing to be a ‘good’ person, and perhaps even having kids as a means to control others.
Signs of Narcissistic Abuse
The patterns of narcissistic abuse are all too common. If any of these sound familiar, I’d love to help.
A narcissist abuser will:
•Isolate you from friends and family
•Gaslight you and make you feel “crazy”
•Undermine your confidence
•Ignore your boundaries
•Deny any responsibility for problems
•Lie about their actions—and everything else
•Trivialize your concerns
•Act like a angry bully
•Tell you that you’re the problem in the relationship
•Control your behavior, your finances, and your career
5 tips for enjoying the holidays when co-parenting with a narcissist
Reserve your spot.
Learn how to keep your holidays merry and bright with this free 15 minute video course.

Trauma is not your fault, but healing is your responsibility.
Reclaim yourself, your joy, and your optimism for a better and brighter future.