Lauren’s Blog

Powerful depression coping skills: The key to lifting the fog of depression
Depression makes you feel that you are depressed because of your life circumstances (the voice in your head might say ‘your job sucks, you’re ugly, you’re poor, you’re alone’) but the reality is that depression occurs on its own timeline that has nothing to do with your life’s circumstances. Learn coping skills to banish the voice of depression.

Grieving the life you didn’t have: Understanding the aftermath of trauma
You’re allowed to feel sad, angry, robbed and stuck after trauma. You’re allowed to long for the life that you didn’t have. Giving yourself permission to experience the full-range of emotions will help you to move through the grief and into the next chapter of your life.

From broken to unbreakable: How to rebuild your life after an emotionally abusive divorce
Going through a divorce is never easy, but when it involves emotional abuse, the fallout can be even more devastating. Emotional abuse is a form of psychological manipulation that aims to control and dominate the victim. It can take various forms, such as humiliation, constant criticism, gaslighting, and isolation. Understanding the dynamics of emotional abuse is the first step towards healing and reclaiming your life.

6 Steps to Find the Right Therapist to Treat Your Depression in Philadelphia
Are you struggling with depression and looking for professional help in Philadelphia? Finding the right therapist is a crucial step towards getting the support you need. However, the process can feel overwhelming with countless options and varying approaches. That's why I've compiled a guide to help you navigate through the search and find the perfect fit for your unique needs.

Clean eating or obsessive control? Understanding orthorexia symptoms
Everyone talks about ‘clean eating’ and ‘mindful eating.’ Avoiding processed food, alcohol, sugar, simple carbohydrates, eating more whole foods. It’s an aspirational way of eating for most of us, but, for some people, it turns into an obsession.

Marriage money issues: Is there a spending double standard in your relationship?
Is your spouse happily spending on themself (luxury cars, high-end clothing, expensive sporting goods) but criticizing you for spending money on yourself, the kids or the household? Have you been told that ‘there’s no way we need to spend that much on groceries in a week' as this person rolls through the kitchen in Gucci loafers?

Watching tv while inhaling a bag of chips? How to stop binge eating at night
Sick and tired of waking up in the morning only to remember that you ate 2 sleeves of Oreos, a bagel and a pint of ice cream before bed? Are late-night binges getting the better of you? Do you find yourself mindlessly reaching for snacks (and then eating way too much of these snacks) long after dinner? You're not alone. Late-night binge eating is a common struggle that can be difficult to overcome.

Why you might not need to tell your spouse about your emotional affair
It's important to distinguish emotional affairs from close friendships, as emotional affairs typically involve secrecy, deception, and a blurring of boundaries. Emotional affairs can be just as damaging, if not more so, than physical affairs because they erode the foundation of trust and emotional intimacy in a relationship. Recognizing the signs of an emotional affair is crucial in order to address the issue and take steps towards healing.

Looking to start marriage counseling in Philadelphia? Here’s how to find the best therapist for your relationship needs
Looking to improve your relationship? Couples therapy (traditionally known as ‘marriage counseling’) is a great tool to learn new skills for communication and a place in which to have difficult conversations about trust, infidelity or sexual issues. A skilled couples counselor can help you to grow as a couple and achieve new levels of trust and connection.

Breaking the Silence: Navigating the Challenges of a Sexless Marriage
A sexless marriage is one where there is little to no sexual activity. While some couples are happy to have ‘companionate’ marriages without sex, many spouses in sexless marriages are frustrated, resentful and unsure how to address the issue with their spouse.

Will therapy ‘cure’ my anxiety? The importance of setting realistic anxiety therapy goals
Is anxiety keeping you from enjoying your life? Learn more about anxiety and how to set goals for anxiety treatment that are realistic.

Will therapy help a narcissist? The short answer is no & here’s what you can do about it.
Hoping that therapy can change the narcissist in your life? Think again. For the majority of narcissists, therapy is not helpful as narcissists lack the very traits necessary for self improvement.

Are you developing depression from insomnia? How lack of sleep can impact mental health
Is lack of sleep or insomnia causing your depression? Learn more about the relationship between sleep and mood disorders and what treatment is available.

The vicious cycle: Exploring the relationship between anxiety and sleep loss
Is your anxiety worsening your sleep, and then lack of sleep is agitating your anxiety? Learn more about the vicious cycle of anxiety and sleep loss.

Let’s talk about sex: Is menopause reduced libido straining your marriage?
It’s normal for your libido to decline during menopause, but it can cause strain on intimate relationships. Read this article to learn ways to increase intimacy in your partnership.

Taking back control: Recognizing that trauma is not your fault, but healing is your responsibility
Trauma can have a deep and lasting effect on your mental health. It is important to stop blaming yourself for your trauma and start focusing on your ability to heal and grow from your experience.

Recommitment after infidelity: How to rebuild your marriage
Recommitment after infidelity involves working through betrayal, grief and anger. Many couples find that they are able to have more honest, deeper conversations in the wake of infidelity.

Navigating the search for a top-notch anxiety therapist in Philadelphia: What to look for and where to start
Are you looking for a therapist that specializes in the treatment of anxiety in Philadelphia. Read this article to learn how to find the clinician who is the best fit for your needs.

Do you need a sleep-divorce? Are ‘roommate issues’ f***ing up your marriage?
Is a sleep-divorce the best thing for your marriage? Does a sleep-divorce mean that your relationship is falling apart? Read this blog article to learn more.

Coparenting with a narcissist: How to protect your children and maintain your sanity
Co-parenting with a narcissist can be incredibly challenging, exhausting and downright maddening. Learn tools to protect your sanity and also shield your children from your narcissistic co-parent’s manipulations.